THN Virtual Events

THN's Upcoming Webinars

Stay Tuned. More Webinars Coming Soon.

Want More Recorded Trainings?

Want to expand your knowledge? Become a THN member today for exclusive access to our library of previous training sessions, along with the chance to join members-only live webinars in the months to come. In addition, agency members get access to exclusive perks and discounts to the THN Annual Texas Conference on Ending Homelessness and discounts to national learning platform partners. Learn more and join now.

THN's Free Recorded Webinars

Two-Part Series: Authentic Collaboration

Want to strengthen your equity muscles? Join us for a two-part training series, where Rhie Azzam Morris, the Texas Balance of State Lived Experience Committee, and THN staff will discuss the “how” and “why” of authentically collaborating with persons with live experience of homelessness.

Advocacy 101: How to Engage your Elected Officials on Housing Solutions

Have you ever wanted to influence policy in your day-to-day work, but didn’t know where to get started? Join this workshop and learn how you can use advocacy to provide information to our elected officials and organize support for safe, decent, deeply affordable, and accessible housing. As the 118th Congress begins its work, now is a critical time as advocates to engage with your elected officials and hold them accountable for addressing America’s housing crisis. In this workshop, you will learn about NLIHC’s public policy priorities and how to utilize advocacy tools such as advocacy meetings (in-person and virtual), social and traditional media, letters, events, and so much more!

Getting Involved 101: the Texas Legislature

With Texas legislative sessions happening only once every two years, getting involved can make a big impact. THN wants you to feel informed and empowered to make a difference through state policy. Join us as we explore how to get and stay active during the current Texas legislative session.

Innovating Outreach: A New Relational Model for Case Management

Gaining the trust of people experiencing homelessness can be a challenge. Yet, research tells us it’s the relationship that creates change for our clients. Using the psychology of trust, learn how to leverage client-case manager relationships to connect people with resources they need. Resources discussed will focus on system diversion.

This webinar will address several critical components: 1) redefinition of diversion; 2) education on the use of creative problem-solving in diversion practices; 3) the unique psychology of trust within the homeless population and how it impacts the client-case manager alliance.

Are you interested in presenting a topic for our webinar series?
Email today and let us know what you want to share.

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