The State-Level Homelessness Report or Data Dashboard includes client statistics pulled from 237 of 254 Texas counties. This data is provided by the Texas Homeless Data Sharing Network (THDSN), which currently receives client-level data from nine (9) of the eleven (11) Continuum of Care (CoC) regions throughout Texas.
It is especially important to note that this report captures the minimum number of documented homeless individuals or households in Texas, as data is uploaded from each CoC’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). HMIS is one of many tools communities use to provide resources and support to unsheltered individuals. Still, the data dashboard remains the most comprehensive, direct data resource available on the rate of homelessness in Texas.
To better support users of the Data Dashboard, Texas Homeless Network has created a Public Dashboard User Glossary to help familiarize users with the housing-specific terms referenced throughout this report and across the Texas Homeless Network website. Feel free to reference this document as you review the data included in this report.
For those interested in using this data for a research project, media publication, or another purpose, we ask that you first contact Anja Taylor, Texas Homeless Data Sharing Network Project Manager, to discuss the data and information you intend to extract.
This number represents the total number of people who fell into homelessness in Texas during the listed time period and accessed services from state and federally-funded programs. It is important to note that this number underestimates the true rate of homelessness in Texas since not all households experiencing housing insecurity are eligible for assistance or feel comfortable accessing services.
The report published on February 7, 2025, captures data received from participating CoCs from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024.
This statewide map shows the number of homeless individuals whose data is uploaded to the Texas Homeless Data Sharing Network (THDSN) on a quarterly basis. The percentage category of the selected county represents the total number of persons in the system during the selected timeframe. To promote the anonymity of clients, the percentages are grouped by categories instead of county.
The line graphs below show individuals and/or households, specifically those documented in a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), who fell into homelessness in Texas during the time period shown, as well as those who exited the homeless response system. In some cases, an individual may have fallen into homelessness on multiple occasions during the year.
This snapshot of individuals and/or households that enter and exit the homeless response system is especially critical, as the data can be used to identify trends and variations in homelessness rates throughout Texas. Furthermore, the data highlights the need for additional supportive services and community resources to ensure all Texans have access to stable, affordable housing.