Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care Governance

The TX BoS CoC Governance Structure

  • CoC General Members: Anyone interested in ending homelessness who lives or works in the TX BoS CoC geographic area.
  • CoC Board: 15 member decision-making entity elected by the CoC General Members
  • Local Homeless Coalitions (LHCs): Local-level groups within the TX BoS CoC that make specific plans to end homelessness in their communities.
  • CoC Committees: Groups composed of CoC General Members that carry out the high-level work of the CoC. Committees ensuring that the CoC fulfills all of the requirements established by HUD. 
  • CoC Collaborative Applicant: The agency that applies for CoC Program funds. In the TX BoS CoC, this role is filled by Texas Homeless Network.
  • CoC HMIS Lead Agency: The agency appointed by the CoC to administer and operate HMIS. In the TX BoS CoC, this role is filled by Texas Homeless Network.
  • CoC Lead Agency and staff support: The agency appointed by the CoC to carry out the legislatively mandated duties established by the CoC Interim Rule. In the TX BoS CoC, this role is filled by Texas Homeless Network.

You can learn more about how the TX BoS CoC makes decisions and designates leadership by reading the documents below.

TX BoS CoC Governance Documents

The documents governing the Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care activities can be found below.The TX BoS CoC Governance Charter contains links to all of the TX BoS CoC’s Policies and Procedures documents. Review the Guide to TX BoS CoC Governance Documents to learn more about these policies. If you would like to dispute a committee or board election, please fill out the Election Dispute and Violation Reporting Form

Our Current Strategic Plan

The yearly Action Plan outlines the items from the three-year CoC Strategic Plan that will be enacted within a given year. The Strategic Planning Committee reviews progress on the CoC Action Plan at the end of each planning quarter. The Strategic Plan was based on the 2020 TX BoS CoC Gaps Analysis

2024 Reports

2023 Reports

2022 Reports

CoC Modernization

The CoC is going through a process of modernizing to enhance the way it is structured and provide support to local communities to achieve better outcomes for people experiencing homelessness. THN, as the CoC’s Collaborative Applicant, is working to explore how modernization can be carried out. 

The CoC is developing a workgroup to work with THN on the next steps, including delivering several meetings for the CoC general membership and the public. The meetings will focus on specific topics related to modernization: CoC governance, HMIS, Coordinated Entry, funding, and geography.

We are especially seeking more people who reflect a large portion of the population experiencing homelessness in the CoC.

How You Can Participate Now:

For general questions about this project or modernization, please email mary@thn.org.

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