A Continuum of Care (CoC) is a collaborative approach to planning and funding for services related to homelessness. “Continuum of Care” refers not only to Housing and Urban Development’s program, but also the geographical location covered by a CoC program, and the body of people that participate in homeless services within that geographic area, including service providers, advocates, local government officials, and community members. This Prezi is a great overview of HUD’s CoC program.
Most CoCs are established to plan services in metropolitan areas. Balance of State CoCs cover the areas of a state that do not have the resources to establish their own CoC. For this reason, the Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care (TX BoS CoC) is the largest of the 11 CoCs in Texas, and covers 215 of Texas’ 254 counties (See the CoC Map).
The Texas Balance of State CoC (TX BoS CoC) is made up of all service providers, advocates, local government officials, and citizens who work to eliminate homelessness.
The TX BoS CoC develops system-level responses and coordinates local community strategies that strategically prevent and end homelessness and increase housing stability.
The TX BoS CoC, in collaboration with THN, has established governance to assist with planning for the CoC. The structure is made up of committees that act under the direction of a board. The TX BoS CoC board also oversees planning activities on a local level through Local Homeless Coalitions (LHCs) and Coordinated Entry Planning Entities (CEPEs). Click here for a list of TX BoS CoC Meetings.
The CoC Board is the main decision-making body of the CoC. The CoC board’s main function is to review and approve policies and procedures suggested through the actions of CoC committees, on behalf of the CoC general members.
Committees within the TX BoS CoC governance structure are designed to carry out the high-level work of the CoC, ensuring that the CoC fulfills all of the requirements established by HUD. Committees are an opportunity for CoC general members to be directly involved in CoC-wide decision making.
There are two types of planning bodies that serve CoC members on a local level:
Each has a relationship with the CoC lead agency and regularly communicates their activities to the CoC staff.
The CoC also works with Consolidated Planning Jurisdictions (CPJs), to assess communities’ needs when they are developing their Consolidated Plans.
As the lead agency, Texas Homeless Network supports local homeless coalitions, agencies, projects, and communities in planning by helping them:
THN serves as the “Collaborative Applicant” for the TX BoS CoC and leads the HUD CoC Grant process. THN provides technical assistance and guidance to agencies and communities applying for funding to create new housing and service programs. Applicants must submit proposals through THN in the annual CoC Program Competition.
For more information visit the Continuum of Care Program section of our website.
The geographic area of the TX BoS CoC includes 215 counties throughout the state of Texas. Within those counties, approximately 25 Local Homeless Coalitions (LHCs) conduct local CoC planning, housing and service development and delivery, and evaluation, as well as CoC-wide activities through the LHC Chairs, the CoC Board, and CoC committees.