While Texas Homeless Network does not work directly with individuals, we strive to provide information for our service providers to utilize with their clients. In addition, if you are an individual seeking help, we hope the resources listed will be of help to you. Finding the Right Help During the COVID-19 Outbreak can be a helpful tool to overview government benefits such as unemployment resources and healthcare coverage as well as resources for businesses and families. In addition, FindHelp.org is another tool to search by your zip code for services.
Continuum of Care (CoC) Resources
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Resources
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Resources
Texas Division of Emergency Management/FEMA
Over the course of 2020, THN has been working hard in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the many ways we are supporting our communities is coordinating mask donations around our state, totaling over 10,000 masks sent to over 35 agencies across Texas. While we know this is a small drop in the bucket of necessities required to face this crisis, we are grateful for every bit we can do to make our neighbor’s lives a little safer and a little better.
Thank you to our partners who made it possible!
If you work for an agency or organization around the state, we need your help!
Fill out the form here to add your organization to the following two letters to Congress:
2. A letter urging Congress to immediately enact the critical housing investments and protections included in the “Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act.”
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