Each legislative session, Texas Homeless Network unites advocates from across the state to educate lawmakers on policies that make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring. On March 12th, we’re bringing this powerful movement back to the Texas Capitol—and we need you there!
Join over 100 advocates in speaking directly with legislators about real solutions to homelessness, from expanding affordable housing to strengthening crisis response systems. This is our chance to show the strength of our community, share stories, and influence policies that create lasting change.
Don’t miss out! Register now to be part of this impactful day. Together, we can make a difference for the 25,000 Texans experiencing homelessness.
THN leads Texas communities to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring. Our vision is that all communities in Texas have a coordinated response system in place to end homelessness. We work on behalf of nearly 1,000 service providers in the state who work day in and day out to end homelessness for Texans.
Throughout 2024 at minimum 62,000 Texans experienced homelessness. And, on any given night, between 27,000 to 30,000 people in our state are on the street or in shelters. Among these Texans, nearly 6,500 are households with children, over 5,000 are chronically homeless, over 1,800 Veterans, and over 2,700 are victims of domestic violence. We can do better for our fellow Texans.
Listed below is proposed legislation introduced as part of the 89th Texas Legislative session that THN and its partners are following. These bills are priorities because they impact people experiencing homelessness and those working to prevent and end homelessness, positively or negatively. The list of bills below will grow over the next several weeks as the session begins.
Homeless Crisis Response Systems, or Continuums of Care, prevent and end homelessness by strategically developing systems based on data-driven solutions. These systems can quickly and efficiently use funding to prevent or divert households from homelessness. Our priorities for strengthening homeless crisis response systems are:
Ending homelessness requires housing. Texas must support the development and rehabilitation of more affordable housing if we want to end homelessness.
Recognizing and acting on the disparities particularly affecting people experiencing homelessness/housing insecure folks who are also people of color, LGBTQIA+, immigrants, people with criminal histories, and/or people with disabilities and mental illness.
This section was added to educate policymakers and advocates on bills that contain proposed actions that, in THN’s opinion, limit opportunities for communities to address homelessness effectively.
Sign onto the following action letters:
In an effort to create a strong and unified voice, THN has led efforts to create statewide policy stances on issues surrounding homelessness. We invite individuals and communities to use these sample press releases as templates in advocating at a local, state, or federal level. We ask that when you use our language, please let us know when and where you are sharing the message.
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