Texas Homeless Network

education, resources, and advocacy

Our Mission
Our Mission

We lead Texas communities to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring.

What We Do

Texas Homeless Network (THN) is a non-profit membership-based organization helping communities strategically plan to prevent and end homelessness. THN works to end homelessness in Texas by collaborating with all communities, large and small, across the state to build systems to achieve this goal. We coordinate local and national advocacy efforts, data collection and research, host an annual statewide conference, and serve as the host agency for the Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care (CoC) where we assist in the coordination of programs and funding. 

Why We Do It

Our staff, volunteers, and partners are committed to advancing our mission of making homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring in Texas.

Each person on our team is here because they believe in a future where all people have access to a stable, safe, deeply affordable home. No matter what brought us to working in homelessness, it is clear that we all have a vision of a better future for Texans – and we stop working until it happens.

How We Do It

The strength of our agency comes from our commitment to collaboration with partners and people from all walks of life. Texas Homeless Network is driven to work alongside the best minds and hearts to advance our mission. Through our statewide initiatives and Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care programs, we build, grow, and sustain robust resources and opportunities across the state. Each project is directed by innovative experts in their field, whether it is our data quality team or our live experience committee, THN is leading the future of ending homelessness in Texas.

Our Focus Areas

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Our Impact Over the Last Year

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Our Latest Work

Enhancing Internal Controls for Homeless Services Non-Profits: Practical Strategies for Effective Governance

Enhancing Internal Controls for Homeless Services Non-Profits: Practical Strategies for Effective Governance By: Jim Ward In light of recent revelations about fraud, waste, and abuse of federal funding, there has never been a better time to revisit internal controls. Critical to the mission of ending homelessness, internal controls are the line between us and chaos.

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Homelessness Around the World

Homelessness Around the World By: William Kao When concentrating on addressing the issue of homelessness in our local communities, it can be easy to lose sight of the fact that other communities, both in the United States and around the world, face challenges that are both similar and different from each other. Each individual case

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The Value of Sharing Your Recovery From Homelessness

The Value of Sharing Your Recovery from Homelessness By: Tammy Chan Dear Reader,  I am a member of the Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care (TX BoS CoC) Lived Experience Committee (LEC). I’m writing this post to share part of my journey and some things that I have come to see and believe are

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Johnson v. Grants Pass: The Future of Criminalization of Homelessness

Johnson v. Grants Pass: The Future of Criminalization of Homelessness in Texas and the Country By: Sam Foss On April 22, the Supreme Court heard the landmark Johnson v. Grants Pass case. This pivotal case has been deemed one of the most crucial cases concerning the rights of individuals experiencing homelessness in decades. Today, Texas

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