Local Homeless Coalitions (LHCs) are groups of organizations, individuals, and leaders interested in ending homelessness that meet face-to-face locally within Texas Balance of State communities. Local Homeless Coalitions make plans to address homelessness in their communities, pursue Continuum of Care goals, and lead local initiatives. There are approximately 31 Local Homeless Coalitions across the Texas Balance of State at this time. We recommend reaching out to the local homeless coalition’s primary contact person to ask for a meeting schedule.
Click here to access current Local Homeless Coalition contact information
No Local Homeless Coalition (LHC) near you? Submit an information request found at the bottom of the page to request someone from Texas Homeless Network to reach out to you about starting an LHC.
Local Homeless Coalitions (LHCs) are responsible for meeting or working to meet requirements set by the Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care (TX BoS CoC) Board. Meeting the requirements positions LHCs to build and maintain effective homeless crisis response systems that meet local need. Click here to download a checklist to help your coalition meet the LHC requirements and click here to view the CoC Board approval documentation.
If any projects within your LHC’s coverage area receives any of the following funding types, there are additional requirements of the LHC (listed below): Continuum of Care (CoC) Program, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH), Runaway Homeless Youth Act (RHY), and Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
Local Homeless Coalition leaders, members, and interested parties meet regularly to discuss topics related to addressing homelessness and running local homeless coalitions. Below are links to materials and/or recordings of past discussions. For more information or to be invited to future meetings, email lhc@thn.org.
The playlist linked below briefly introduces the systems and programs in place to help communities address local homelessness. Total playlist runtime: 59 minutes.
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