Presentations and Handouts will be uploaded as we receive them. Breakout Session #1 Giving Voice to Students Breakout Session #2 Dealing with Conflict Those Who Need a Quick Win Need Not Apply Recognizing and Combating Human Trafficking Breakout Session #3 Mental Health: Housing and Employment Implications and First Steps From Social Isolation to the Streets: Older Adults at Risk of Homelessness Breakout Session #4 Work Incentives for People with Disabilities The Impact of Social Integration on Housing Retention and Self-Sufficiency for the Housed, formerly Homeless Foster Care and Student Success Breakout Session #5 Education for Homeless Children and Youth 101 Developing a Plan to End Youth Homelessness in Houston Functional Zero and Ending Homelessness LMHA 101: Working with the Local Mental Health Authority to End Homelessness Harmony House, Inc. Worker Dorm Model Income Now Houston Breakout Session #6 Host Homes Presentation Host Homes Handout #1 Host Homes Handout #2 Reaching Hard-to-Reach Families Breakout Session #7 Creative Case Management with Homeless Clients with Chronic and Persistent Mental Illness Early Childhood Education and Head start Provisions for Homeless Children SOAR Roundtable – Fundamentals of SOAR