Texas Homeless Network

education, resources, and advocacy


Dept. of Veterans Affairs Released New Tool to Help Maximize Income

On July 20, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) released a new tool for beneficiaries of Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) disability benefits, which helps demonstrate how income from employment and/or VA disability benefits will affect Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Too often, misinformation about how employment will affect income[…]

Texas SOAR Program – VISTA Update

Hi! My name is Melina Lasater and I’m the VISTA SOAR State Coordinator here at THN. My goal for my volunteer year is to establish a stronger SOAR community and to implement SOAR in new communities throughout the state. Since I started in February, I’ve been able to work on putting together a quarterly SOAR[…]

Using OAT for SOAR

By Melina Lasater, THN VISTA SOAR State Coordinator Did you know there is a step-by-step guide on how to set up OAT? Download the guide and set yours up today! Why Track Outcomes? Expand your SOAR initiative Persuade potential partners to join your SOAR effort by showing your achievements Monitor caseworkers’ approval rates and use of[…]

Texas SOAR Program is Taking Off

SOAR, for the unfamiliar, is a disability application fast track process for people close to or currently experiencing homelessness. This process adds a few more forms, medical records compiled by the caseworker, and a written narrative called the Medical Summary Report that can when signed by a qualified medical professional, become medical evidence added to the applicant’s[…]

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