Texas Homeless Network

education, resources, and advocacy


Grant RFP Open! Safety Nets for Students and Families

The Safety Nets for Students and Families grant application is now open!   These grants help service providers add capacity to meet the needs of children, youth, and families made homeless/displaced by Hurricane Harvey in all affected regions except Harris County.   You can find all of the information on eligibility criteria, what we’re aiming[…]

Are You Ready to End Veteran Homelessness?

By Caitlin Bayer, Priority Projects Coordinator, THN As of today, 60 communities across 32 states have effectively ended veteran homelessness. The communities range from urban to rural, from small towns to entire states. The evidence is overwhelming: effectively ending veteran homelessness is possible for every community across the nation. The question is no longer “Can[…]

Using OAT for SOAR

By Melina Lasater, THN VISTA SOAR State Coordinator Did you know there is a step-by-step guide on how to set up OAT? Download the guide and set yours up today! Why Track Outcomes? Expand your SOAR initiative Persuade potential partners to join your SOAR effort by showing your achievements Monitor caseworkers’ approval rates and use of[…]

2018 NAEH Family and Youth Conference

By Caitlin Bayer Each year in the spring, the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) convenes the nation’s experts in ending homelessness to share information and resources on ending homelessness for families with children and youth. This year, THN was fortunate to be able to send most of the TX BoS CoC Planning team to[…]

Early intervention for infants and toddlers

Texas Health and Human Services, Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Health and Human Services (HHS), Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) program is a state-wide comprehensive system of services that provides early intervention for infants and toddlers birth to 36 months of age who have developmental delays, disabilities or a medical condition likely to lead to a developmental[…]

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