TX BoS CoC Board

Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care Board

The Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care (TX BoS CoC) Board determines the policy direction of the CoC and ensures that the CoC fulfills its responsibilities. Additionally, the Board oversees the work of CoC committees and the CoC Lead Agency and HMIS Lead Agency (Texas Homeless Network).  Board members also stay informed about how the CoC is performing to prevent and end homelessness, and they serve as liaisons between the CoC and the counties and sub-populations they represent. The CoC Board is guided by the CoC Board Requirements Policy.

CoC Board Election Update

The board members for the 4/1/2025-3/31/2027 term have been finalized. They will join members who are continuing their board service for the next year.

Seat 2–Homeless Veterans
Gary Jesus Medina, Homeless Veteran Program Manager at the Texas Veterans Commission

Seat 4–Homeless Families

Michelle Conner, Chief Operating Officer at Giving Grace in Denton

Seat 6–Victim Services
Daisy Lopez, Director of Operations at Friendship of Women, Inc., in Brownsville

Seat 8–Health/Medical

Moises Arjona, Jr., Collective Impact Director at Unidos Contra La Diabetes in Weslaco

Seat 10–Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Recipient
Rich Penksa, Managing Director of Accounting at the Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities in Corpus Christi

Seat 12–Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice
Kyle Moore, Sergeant at the Killeen Police Department in Killeen

Seat 14 — Faith Community or Faith-Based Organization
Jessica Randle, Director of Development at St. Vincent’s House in Galveston

Meet Our Board

Seat 1

Lived Experience of Homelessness

Courtney Horton, LMSW
Taylor County

Courtney Horton, LMSW has been the Coalition Coordinator of West Texas Homeless Network, Abilene’s local homeless coalition, since 2021. Courtney received her undergraduate degree in social work from Hardin-Simmons University in 2021 and her master’s degree in social work from Angelo State University in 2022. She obtained her MSW licensure in 2023.

Courtney is a person with lived experience and fell into the chronic definition of homelessness in Abilene from 2014-2017. Her exposure to homelessness and a disabling condition of substance use drives her passion for systems changes within her community.

Courtney interned with Abilene Hope Haven in 2019 and was contracted through a grant through Community Solutions to begin an outreach system in Abilene. She was part of the efforts to launch an equitable and data driven system, coordinated entry, for chronic homelessness in Abilene. This experience empowered her to advocate for policies for those experiencing homelessness.

In 2021, Courtney was recognized by the National Association of Social Workers-Texas for her work in addiction recovery, homelessness, and affordable housing. This award is only given to one BSW and one MSW student in the state of Texas, recognizing his or her work for their advocacy efforts to create change within their community.

Upon getting her BSW degree, Courtney began working as a contracted part-time coordinator through the United Way of Abilene for Abilene’s local homeless coalition. She also completed her MSW internship at the Betty Hardwick Center, the mental health authority, as a Supported Housing Specialist. This experience allowed her to develop a skill set of housing interventions, housing navigation, and housing programs for those with mental health issues, substance use disorders, and re-entry from jails and institutions. Her focus allowed her to examine Abilene’s systems and empower coalition stakeholders to take a more collaborative approach to macro level systems building.

Upon completion of her MSW degree, Courtney became the first employee of West Texas Homeless Network. In 2023 the local CoC HUD Housing programs transferred to the Betty Hardwick Center. She now is the HUD Program Administrator which supports the role of the coordinator and allows for oversight of the coordinated entry system from entrance to exit into HUD housing programs. In an effort to promote sustainability of the coordinated entry system, Courtney was onboarded as the Executive Director of Abilene Hope Haven in late fall of 2023. These roles promote the systemic efforts for sustainability solutions for homelessness in Abilene. Her purpose is seen in her passion to promote data-driven systems that not only work on preventing homelessness but to bring a functional end to homelessness in her community.

Seat 2

Homeless Veterans
White female wearing a black top

Annie Erickson
All Counties

Annie, a San Antonio native, has nearly 30 years of combined experiences in banking, healthcare, government and social service industries, giving her a well-rounded skill set to lead as Endeavors’ Veteran and Community Based Services as Senior Director, since 2018.  Annie serves on multiple community committees and works with eight CoCs throughout Texas, focused on serving our most vulnerable veteran and homeless populations. She has worked with multiple funders to include HUD, VA, HHSC, Department of Family and Protective Services, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, ESG, CBDG, Department of Labor, Department of Justice, US Treasury, Texas Homeless Network, Texas Veterans Commission, City of San Antonio, United Way of San Antonio, City of Austin, City of Houston, City of El Paso, and City of Pecos. Annie served on the Alzheimer’s Association Board, Co-Chaired the Successfully Aging and Living in San Antonio advisory board, is a partner in Social Venture Partners, and is serving on Project Mend’s Military and Veteran’s committee. 

 Annie has an Executive Master’s Degree in Health Care Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, both from Trinity University.  She enjoys her family of 3 children and 3 grandchildren.

Seat 3

Chronically Homeless Persons

Victor Rivera
Cameron County

Victor Rivera is the Executive Director at Loaves and Fishes of Rio Grande Valley, Inc., a non-profit organization located in Harlingen and Raymondville, TX. Originally from California, Victor has spent most of his life in Brownsville, TX. He holds a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and a Master of Science in Management and Leadership from Western Governors University of Utah. He is a dedicated family man with two children, Victoria and Lucas, and his wife, Miriam, who is an educator.

Victor’s career began in Brownsville, where he spearheaded educational initiatives benefiting the community. During his 19-year tenure at the Brownsville Literacy Center, he served in various capacities, including volunteer teacher, mobile lab instructor, education coordinator, and executive director. His commitment to extending services to the homeless and those at risk of homelessness laid a solid foundation for his current role at Loaves & Fishes.

In his role as Executive Director at Loaves and Fishes, Victor has overseen the expansion and improvement of programs serving the community. Under his leadership, the organization has significantly streamlined its refer and receive efforts, resulting in improved overall dynamics at the agency. These improvements have enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of the programs, ensuring that those in need receive vital support in a timely manner.

Victor aims to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need and empower the homeless population. He seeks to achieve this by creating initiatives such as micro-entrepreneurship opportunities, with the goal of helping individuals kick-start their own businesses. Additionally, he is dedicated to expanding the organization’s reach through initiatives such as mobile outreach to the underserved population and the provision of essential meals.

In the words of Gordon B. Hinckley, “being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others.” Victor’s commitment to this principle is reflected in his ongoing efforts to improve the lives of the community members served by Loaves and Fishes.

Seat 4

Homeless Families

Michelle Conner
Denton County

Michelle founded Grace Like Rain, now Giving Grace, in 2016 and has extensive experience in the field and in service provision to individuals and families facing homelessness. Michelle provided oversight for Wheeler House and guided the development of the Rise With Grace case management model. Michelle holds a business degree from West Texas A & M.

Seat 5

Homeless Youth
Female wearing a pink jacket against a dark background

Stephanie Andrade-Rocha
Taylor County

Stephanie Andrade-Rocha is an extraordinary leader who brings a tremendous passion to her work as the Founder and Executive Director of Beyond Trafficking. Established in 2017 and based in Abilene, Texas, with operations in five countries, she believes that every human deserves to be free physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Born and raised in Abilene, Stephanie has a deep-seated emotional connection to the city. With five young boys at home, she is driven by her love for her family. Her unwavering commitment is further inspired by her lived experience as a homeless youth which motivated her to bring about change within her local community. Empowered by this experience, Stephanie has taken initiative to serve on various boards and launch three additional nonprofits in order to ensure that everyone can have access to much-needed resources and services.

Seat 6

Victim Services
Female. whtie shirt.

Daisy Lopez
Cameron County

Daisy has been a dedicated advocate in the fight to end violence for nearly two decades. With a background in criminal justice and social work from her undergraduate studies, as well as a master’s degree in public affairs from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Daisy brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role as Director of Operations at Friendship of Women, Inc., a center for the prevention of family violence and sexual assault.

In her capacity as Director of Operations, Daisy’s focus lies in spearheading program development and organizational change where her team’s dedication to enhancing services for the community is reflected in the successful implementation of transformative initiatives.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Daisy is deeply invested in understanding and addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by victims, particularly regarding housing crises and instability. Drawing from her own experiences as an adult survivor of childhood exposure to violence, she has dedicated her life to tackling the interconnected social issues that affect victims of domestic and sexual violence. These issues span education, health, housing, income, and homelessness, among others.

Through her work on committees and expert panels at local and statewide levels, Daisy continues to be a passionate advocate for change, striving to create a safer and more supportive environment for survivors of violence.

Seat 7

Mental/Behavioral Health

Jason Priddy
Tom Green County

Jason Priddy is a native of Tucson, Arizona, and a Navy veteran with 11 years of active-duty service as an Electronics Technician onboard submarines. During his service, he was stationed in Washington and Hawaii on five different submarines, completed two Western Pacific deployments, and 12 Deterrent Patrols.

After his honorable discharge, Jason worked for the Department of Veteran Affairs at Pima Community College in Tucson, where he played a key role in starting Pima’s Student Veterans Association chapter. Later, he moved to Seattle to attend the Divers Institute of Technology, where he also started an SVA chapter and advocated for veterans in trade schools, collaborating with local and state officials to raise awareness about veteran support. After graduating Jason moved to Lafayette, Louisiana taking on projects in the Gulf of Mexico, California, and Venezuela. 

Jason has lived and worked in San Angelo for over four years as a West Texas Counseling and Guidance case manager. He co-heads initiatives like Homeless Navigation Day, which brings together 20 non-profit agencies monthly to offer direct support to homeless and low-income families. Additionally, he oversees the Point-in-Time count for Tom Green County. His work includes street outreach and outreach to the surrounding counties, helping connect vulnerable populations with vital resources and services.

Jason is passionate about helping communities throughout Texas and looks forward to contributing his experience and dedication to making a positive impact across the region.   

Seat 8


Steve Kazanjian
Nueces County

Steve Kazanjian has committed himself to ministry for more than 25 years. He has served as a hospice chaplain, a hospital and nursing care center chaplain, and a chaplain for those incarcerated in the Pennsylvania prison system. Steve has served as a youth minister, mentoring those in grade school and high-school, and taught both Scripture and World Religions to high-school students. Steve has been the driving force behind dynamic retreats for young adults and adults in both parish and high school settings. He has been involved with marriage preparation in Catholic parishes and has presented various topics to faith communities, as well as to those in healthcare, over the last 20 years. Steve has a special concern for those who are poor, underprivileged, marginalized or underserved.

Currently serving as Vice President of Mission Integration at CHRISTUS Spohn Health System in the coastal bend, Steve is responsible for Mission and Values Integration, Ethics, Spiritual Care, Community Benefit, Environmental Stewardship, Catholic Identity and Formation in the Catholic tradition. Steve formerly served as Director of Mission with Bon Secours New York Health System in the Bronx, NY from 2010-2016. Steve is a Certified Facilitative Leadership Coach and was a member of the CHA Eldercare Sub-Committee from 2011- 2016. He served as Faculty for the Bon Secours Center for Ministry Leadership from 2012- 2016 and has a great passion for adult education and lifelong formation. While serving as Mission Leader in the Bronx, Steve also acted as the Executive Champion for various local system initiatives including Engagement, Wellness, Customer Service, and Environmental Stewardship. Steve has served on the Leadership Councils for both Mission of Mercy and the American Heart Association here in Corpus Christi, and has been an active member of the Corpus Christi Advisory Council on Mental Health, Homelessness and Substance Abuse. Steve currently serves on the School Health Advisory Council for the Gregory-Portland School District, as well as the TX BoS CoC Board.

Steve received a B.A. in Health from the University of Richmond, Virginia and also has a Bachelor’s in Sacred Theology from St Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. Steve likewise received his M.A. and M.Div. from St Charles Seminary, and in 2016 received a Master’s in Ethics from Fordham University in the Bronx, NY.

Steve and his four children Monica, Eleanor, Isaac, and Colette live in Portland, TX.

Seat 9

Local Government

Megan Price
Bowie County

Megan Price currently serves as the Community Development Specialist for the City of Texarkana, Texas where she currently manages the Continuum of Care housing grant and works with local neighborhood associations with the goal of revitalizing neighborhoods and promoting unity between neighbors and law enforcement, among many other duties and projects.  She has a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Arts & Sciences and is nearing completion of her Master’s program in Instructional Technology. Megan serves as the Public Relations and Planning Chair for the Texarkana Homeless Coalition, where she helps plan and execute various events throughout the year such as the PIT Count, the Texarkana Homeless Coalition’s annual Chili Cook off, and our semi-annual Resource Day as well as contributing to programs created to provide resources to our local unhoused population such as the Care Bound Program which covers costs associated with relocating individuals back to their hometowns or health facilities they desire to access.  Megan also serves on the Coordinated Entry Steering Committee. In her free time, Megan most enjoys traveling, reading, and spending time with family and close friends, her daughter Reymi and their two beloved pets, Sophie and Livie.

Seat 10

ESG Program Recipient

Rich Penksa
Nueces County

Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, Rich is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), currently working for the Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities as their Managing Director of Accounting.

An experienced professional with over 20 years of expertise in managing homeless services, supportive housing, developing new funding streams for new programs, budget management, training, consulting, and direct care in the field of housing and homeless services.

Rich has managed numerous supportive housing budgets serving the homeless population including HEAP, CESH, HUD PSH, HUD Transitional, HUD Safe Haven, Bridge, Emergency Solutions Grants, CDBG, ARPA, HHSP, TMAP, ERAP, etc.

Rich has many years of experience in networking with numerous CoCs and Federal, State, County, and City funders.

Rich has participated in regional Continuums of Care throughout Nevada (Clark), California (San Diego, San Bernardino, Santa Clara, Kern, Fresno, Madera, Kings, Tulare, Contra Costa), and Texas (Travis, BoS, Bexar) counties.

Seat 11

Public Housing Agency

Audra Rea
Randall County

I am the Director of Family Services at Panhandle Community Services. I aspire to be a dynamic and innovative leader who equips my team with the tools they need to battle poverty daily with fierce resolve. Panhandle Community Services works diligently across the 26 Counties of the Texas Panhandle to ensure families succeed and reach their full potential. At this time, the programs under my direction are a Housing Choice Voucher program (including VASH & FYI), Family Development, Career Coaching (which has an employer component), a Housing Stability program, and five hygiene closets operating across our service area. In late May of this year, the Panhandle faced three natural disasters in basically two weeks. My team worked tirelessly and continues to help with disaster recovery, which has been a whole new endeavor for my team, PCS, and me! Here is part of my story that is important, probably critical… I experienced an unplanned pregnancy in high school. My parents sent me to a maternity home in Lubbock, Texas. I gave birth to my son Matthew who I did not place for adoption. I brought him home and started high school again as a teen mother, juggling parenting and school. My parents were supportive but clear that they would not raise my child; I would! I completed high school and even have graduation pictures holding Matthew. Then I began college at West Texas A&M University. I commuted for the first 3 years of college from my hometown; each way was slightly over an hour’s drive. As I progressed in college, daycare barriers and other factors started to creep in. It became necessary for Matthew to commute with me. He didn’t realize this wasn’t normal and he didn’t know that most kids didn’t get dressed or eat breakfast in the car. It is what we did, every morning.

Because of an opportunity through Panhandle Community Services and a program that existed in the late 90s called FIT (families in training), I was able to move to Amarillo and be closer to my school, childcare, and greater opportunities. It was absolutely life-changing. I’m incredibly proud and humbled that my journey has come full circle – Now I am able to serve, offer training, perspective and skills to my team which further facilitates this same type of life-changing hope and help in the communities we serve across the panhandle.

Just a peek into my family life now, I am part of a fantastically blended family with a whole lot of heart. I have been married to my husband Don for nearly 10 years. Together we have 3 grown children and 5 grandchildren in various stages of life, ranging from pre-k to newly married!

Other important layers to what makes… Well, me! I believe that everyone should have someone to be their cheerleader and someone who makes them feel safe, no matter what. I like authenticity, and I enjoy connecting with people and doing life with them. I am pretty blunt and honest, but I try to temper that with humor. I love a good redemption story, and throughout my life, one of my most significant observations is that most people are more resilient than they know.

Seat 12

Criminal Justice


Seat 13


Bert Bagley
Galveston County

Bert Bagley is a retired United Methodist Pastor of over 40 years. Presently, he is the Executive Director of the Permanent Endowment Fund of Galveston. The work of the fund is dedicated to direct services to people in need and to the non-profits that provide direct services. 

Bert is married with two children and four grandchildren who call him, “Guy!” He loves his grandpa name, and chasing his grandchildren keeps him young…kinda. Bert is also a fan of the TCU Horned Frogs and follows them in every way.

Seat 14

Faith-based Organizations

Robert Hogan
Lubbock County

Deacon Rob is an ordained Deacon in the Catholic Church, where his ministry includes homeless outreach. He has been on the board of St. Benedict’s Chapel, a Lubbock Homeless outreach organization, since 2015, and is a past president of the board. He is a graduate of Texas Tech University and Texas Tech School of Law, and is the principal of Hogan Law Firm, PC. He is licensed in the practice of law in Texas, New Mexico and Colorado.


Seat 15

TICH/State Agency

Grace Moody
all counties

Grace Moody is the Veterans Liaison for the Texas Office of the Attorney General. She has served as the Veterans Liaison since October 2016.

Grace is a retired Legalman Chief Petty Officer (E-7), having served 20 years active duty in the U.S. Navy within the JAGC community. She served on active duty from February 1985 – May 2005. Grace’s first active duty station was Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. She attended Naval Justice School in 1992 and spent 9 years on the east coast at various commands, deployed on a 6-month Mediterranean Cruise with the USS Frank Cable (AS-40) and served as Senior Court Reporter for the Tailhook Court Martials at the Naval Legal Service Office, Norfolk, Virginia. Grace then transferred to the west coast aboard the USS McKee (AS-41) as the Leading Petty Officer and Chief Petty Officer of the Legal Office, served as the Legal Chief at Naval Special Warfare Center (BUD/s) and served her twilight tour as the Clerk of Court for the Navy Marine Trial Judiciary for the west coast. After retiring from the Navy in 2005, Grace used her Post 9/11 Education Benefits to pursue her degree in Human Services (Counseling and Addiction) to work with Wounded Warriors and Veterans. Grace has a Certification in Management (Management Specialties Leadership).

Volunteered as a Peer Mentor since 2015 with Military Veterans Peer Network (Capital Area) assisting Texas Veterans transitioning from the military, serving as a Mentor to Veterans in the Travis County Treatment Courts.

2023 TX BoS CoC Board Meeting Minutes

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