Texas Homeless Network

education, resources, and advocacy

Author : THN

An Op-Ed: Austin, Adler, and Homelessness

Austin, Adler, and Homelessness By Chris Baker, Executive Director, The Other Ones Foundation Here in Austin, where I live, it’s not easy to travel more than a few miles without seeing yard signs calling for the removal of our center-left mayor, Steve Adler. The Recall Adler campaign is the work of a local group called[…]

Spotlight Post: My Journey to Texas Homeless Network

Spotlight Post: My Journey to Texas Homeless Network Author: Savannah Haney, THN VISTA Leader My journey and previous experiences are what motivate me to serve as an AmeriCorps VISTA Leader and do the work that I do. As a child, I was interested in engineering and was always building things with my hands and thinking[…]

Texas Homeless Network Response to USICH Report

Texas Homeless Network Response to USICH Report, “Expanding the Toolbox: The Whole-of-Government Response to Homelessness” October 23, 2020, Austin, TX – Earlier this week, the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) held a roundtable discussion focused on the recently released report, “Expanding the Toolbox: The Whole-of-Government Response to Homelessness.” As a statewide agency focused[…]

Advocacy Alert: Qualified Allocation Plan

Don’t miss the 10/9 deadline: THN’s QAP Public Comment Author: Eric Samuels, President and CEO  The TDHCA board will be considering proposed changes to the Qualified Allocation Plan. This plan sets policy for tax credits that are awarded for building new affordable and supportive housing. These proposed changes are to the Supportive Housing Definition. These[…]

VISTAs in Action

Spotlight Post: AmeriCorps in Acton Salvation Army Food Distribution Author: Brenda Larsosa I’m currently serving as an AmeriCorps Coalition and Coordinated Entry Coordinator for the City of Texarkana. When The Salvation Army of Texarkana, a fellow member of the Texarkana Homeless Coalition, recently expressed a need for assistance with their food box distribution program during the[…]

Action Towards Equity and Protecting Equal Access

Action Towards Equity and Protecting Equal Access Author: Giovanna DiNapoli  Recently, the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) proposed a modification to the Equal Access Rule that would allow shelters to deny access to trans individuals based on their gender identity and sex assigned at birth. This harmful proposed change creates another level of discrimination that transgender[…]

COVID-19 Response Prompts New Collaborations and Programs in San Antonio

COVID-19 Response Prompts New Collaborations and Programs in San Antonio Background SARAH is the Continuum of Care Lead Agency for San Antonio/Bexar County responsible for local coordination and strategies to prevent and end homelessness. Haven for Hope is a transformational campus focused on addressing root causes of homelessness with a person-centered and recovery-oriented approach. The[…]

The Way Home’s Response to COVID-19

The Way Home’s Response to COVID-19 The Coalition for the Homeless is Lead Agency to The Way Home, the Houston-area Continuum of Care (CoC) and collaborative effort to prevent and end homelessness in Harris, Fort Bend, and Montgomery counties, Texas. Like for everyone else, our world changed seemingly overnight once the novel coronavirus arrived in[…]

CDC Announces Evictions Paused Until the End of 2020

Sweeping new federal moratorium on evictions in effect until 12/31/2020 This rule only protects people who know about it. Please circulate this post widely. Arabic | Mandarin | English | Spanish | Vietnamese   Para leer sobre esta protección contra los desalojos en español, haga clic aquí o aquí. Firme y fecha este documento y entregue[…]

HUD Revokes Housing Anti-Discrimination

HUD Revokes Housing Anti-Discrimination Protections By: Nick Thompson The White House and HUD recently terminated the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule. The Rule, under the 1968 Fair Housing Act, mandated that localities receiving federal funds to assess housing discrimination and racial bias within their communities and plan for how to diminish these realities. […]

Texas Housing Unaffordability Fuels Homelessness During COVID-19

Texas Housing Unaffordability Fuels Homelessness During COVID-19 By: Nick Thompson The National Low-Income Housing Coalition released their 2020 Out of Reach (OOR) Report. The findings of the report are a harrowing warning that Texas and the United States are not moving in the right direction on housing affordability. There is not a single county in[…]

Action Alert: Stop HUD’s Proposed Anti-Transgender Shelter Rule

Take Action: Help Stop HUD’s Proposed Anti-Transgender Rule Last week, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) opened public comment on the proposed change that seeks to reverse the protections created by the 2016 Equal Access Rule. The proposed modification would allow discrimination against transgender people seeking access to shelter through HUD-funded services by[…]

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