This rule only protects people who know about it. Please circulate this post widely.
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In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic recession, the Trump administration issued an unprecedented agency order through the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that effectively bans all non-criminal evictions until the end of the year to prevent the continued spread of COVID-19. This order gives necessary and overdue protections to the estimated 30 million people at-risk of eviction for non-payment of rent and the subsequent homelessness many of them would face.
The C.D.C. argues that they have the authority to enact a nationwide moratorium under “42 CFR § 70.2 – Measures in the event of inadequate local control”.
In order for renters to be protected, they need to sign a declaration (linked here) which declares that renters:
NLIHC recommends that a tenant submit the declaration using email or certified mail to their landlord.
While the moratorium is a welcome change and will temporarily protect millions of households in Texas, there is a significant need for Congress to pass legislation for no less than $100 billion in federal emergency rental assistance. NLIHC estimated in May that Texas needs nearly $9 billion of these funds. It is certainly possible (if not likely) that these estimates need to be updated for the months of back rent now owed by renters to their landlords.
This ruling does not protect renters from eviction for other reasons besides non-payment and renters can be taken to court for their claims to forgo payment. Late fees and other penalties may still apply.
Without significant rental assistance, the U.S. is simply moving back eviction proceedings for tens of millions of people until December or early 2021. Housing brings stability to renters, but more importantly, housing is healthcare.
Advocates must continue to contact their federal representatives to push for:
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This piece was written in part thanks to individual donations. As THN ramps up our staff and policy education efforts ahead of the 2021 TX Legislative Session, please consider making a donation directly to our advocacy efforts today by joining our Advocates Committee.